He's HERE!!!!
Gabriel John Pitzer
8-11-14 @ 11:22am
8lbs 10.3oz

We decided to go into the hospital because my contractions were steady. They weren't strong, but they were 3 minutes apart and we didn't want to risk anything. The Dr. at our last appointment had told me he'd rather have me come in too early and walk the halls than risk me going too far at home. He took my fears to heart and that was nice. We arrived at the hospital around 4am. They said I wasn't really progressing and were thinking of sending me home. I was not going home, I would have just sat in the car, crazy people. I knew I was having a baby regardless of what they had to say. Luckily for me I had high blood pressure. Odd to say, but it bought me a ticket to stay and get induced. Hooray! I never have high blood pressure, so it was an odd occurrence and confusing for everyone. They ran my blood work for preeclampsia but everything was normal. I was just weird. Once the pitocin kicked in I was able to get my epidural. The nurses I had were great. At shift change, which was when I called to get on the epidural list, they came in with interesting information. Apparently the anesthesiologist that was on was not their favorite doc, and he was getting called into an emergent c-section anyway. So they were going to wait for the next guy to come in and have him attend to me and then relieve the other physician. Turns out the doc who came in next was one of their favorites. And he was awesome! They told me he did a great epidural, and they wanted me to have a good one. (my last one sucked). He gave me the longest lasting, must numbing epidural a woman could ask for, it was glorious. After that they broke my water so that things would continue to progress, and cranked up my pitocin. I told them that once things started to go they would really go,and they found out I wasn't lying. I seriously lucked out with the staff I had this time. My nurse had been a labor and delivery nurse for 30 years and she was wonderful! She was fun and happy and just all around wonderful. The midwife that came in that morning was also one of my favorites. She is a woman who loves her job, and you know it. She's exuberant and full of life and energy. When I knew I would have those two combined I knew it would be a good day. Back to my delivery here.....They checked me at 10:45 and I was at 5cm, the midwife checked me at 11:00 and I was at 7cm. At 11:10 I called for them because I felt ready and I was at a 10. Woohoo! The nurse paged for the midwife and got me set up for a trial push. She only counted to three before she told me to stop because he was coming! I only had to push through two contractions and he was here!
We were shocked to see how big he was, I mean, wow! I never thought my little body was carrying around an 8.10lb baby! I understood why I had such pain and difficulties in the end now. I barely got to see my little guy before they took him away though. His temperature was already a bit low when he was born and it was going down instead of up. He also was twitching around and the nurse said he had low blood sugar. Sure enough, he did. So they took him to get warmed up and feed him to get everything set. I hated it. I told John I felt like I didn't have a baby because there was no baby in my room or with me. And I got very little information about him for hours. He was born at 11:22 and I don't think I actually saw him again until 3 or 4. Believe me, I barely put him down once he came back!
Who could put down this little guy?
My epidural was so good they finally had to get me out of labor hall and into my room so they got me up, but I had no control. I had to walk with the assistance of the nurse and John and my legs would just randomly give out on me. It was rather humorous. My legs still felt like big fluffy pillows and I had no idea where my feet were. Magic I tell you, that man was magic.
I finally got my baby back, I had to love on him.
Wrinkly baby toes
The boys and both Grandma's came to visit that evening. Landon was curious about him, Will didn't even want to sit near him. They were content to play in the wide windowsills of our room and look at him from a safe distance.
Time to go home! After two days of boredom we were ready to go!
Gabe was ready to go too.
We came home to a welcoming party from the boys. They decorated the house with MaMa. Gabe was sweet enough to bring them each a ball and a car as a gift. They thought that was pretty cool. The boys fought over helping me get everything put away and getting him his bottle. The helping started early!
Welcome to the world baby Gabe! We are thrilled to add you to our crew.