How can it be that my baby boy is 10 months old already? It's impossible. I refuse to believe he's creeping ever closer to being 1. REFUSE. Maybe that's why I can't stop kissing him and hugging him and loving on him. After already watching one baby grow up I know how fast the time goes and how much I will miss every single one of these precious baby moments. I'm trying to suck them all up and remember them. I can't let go of my baby as easily this time around. But enough about me and my inability to let my baby grow up. Who wants to hear about me? Let's look at pictures of the cutest baby in the whole world!
He's so big! And skinny! So very very skinny! |
I love his smile! He's got the best dimples and he has an infectious smile and giggle. |
So you of course want to know what this cutie pants is up to these days, right? Well, he's not walking yet, we really thought he would be by now with how badly he wants to. But he's freestanding some and is super cute when he does it. He likes to play cars with Landon and Mommy. He gets very angry if we are playing cars and he isn't. So he gets his own matchbox car and joins in the fun. He also enjoys sitting on the floor and having Mommy roll a car to him. To return it he throws it, he assumes he is also rolling it gently. He gets very excited about this game. He still loves to play "peek", but has added "so big!" to his repertoire. For a long time he was throwing his hands up into the air and smiling like he was the smartest cookie around
which he was. Then one day he stopped throwing his hands up on cue and instead would answer me. Hilarious. I would say "how big's Will?" And he would jabber something at me. Apparently he was telling me exactly how big he was. Now it's a toss up if I will get the physical or verbal answer to the question. He's too silly. He finds everything hilarious. I just love my little man and all the things he learns every day.
Ohhh my heart feels all melty! I love him!! Give him extra snuggles and loves for Auntie Beth.
ReplyDeleteOf course I will! He won't mind extra snuggles.