Monday, August 12, 2013

Privacy, what???

So, I really thought that I was comfortable with our privacy level in this house.  I mean, the only time the bathroom door is shut is when company is over.  It has been that way since we got married.  We have a very open door policy.  Over share?  Perhaps, but you have to see where I'm coming from here.  

So, when I became a Mom and was constantly followed everywhere by my son, it wasn't too bad.  I found the only way to have a moment to myself was to lock the bathroom door.  This leads to wails on the other side, the doorknob jiggling.  You'd think I was abandoning the child with the drama.  

Then came child number two, oh, you wanted to pee?  Let's all go to the bathroom!  All of you who think that women go to the bathroom in groups for are wrong.  We don't want company to pee with.  Usually, I only go with someone because I can follow them to the bathroom, I hate finding public restrooms.  So the group situation in the bathroom has now expanded to include two children. 
Oh, and sometimes the dog.  I close the door to shower and multiple times during the shower the door is opened for random comments from Landon about what he's playing or what he's watching.  I leave it unlocked in case he actually has to use the potty.  And then I have to lock the door when I get out. There is only a certain age where it's not weird for your child to see you naked.  That time has passed indeed.  

So you see, I thought it was as bad as it was going to get.  Non-private showers, peeing accompanied, pooping with a three year old announcing it and turning on the fan, doing my hair and makeup while a one year old unrolls the toilet paper and my three year old asks for some makeup too.  I thought we were there.  But then Will took it to the next level.  He has taken to climbing onto my lap while I try to poo.  No, not kidding.  I guess I'm there just long enough to look like I have a comfy lap available.  I think the time has come to close the door and lock it while they are awake.  Some of you may think that we are weirdo's leaving the door open all the time, but how are we supposed to complete conversations with the door closed?  haha.  Ah, welcome to our home....
The whole crew assisting me in the bathroom. 

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