Sunday, August 10, 2014

Kids say the darnedest things

I find it hilarious the things kids say, and this time it's not my own. 

John has been growing a beard, and yesterday I told him he might want to shave it off after the following happened. We were at the park doing a little fishing and so was another family with two talkative little girls. John had caught a catfish and the little girl that was running around with Landon comes up and asks Landon, "can I see the catfish your grandpa caught?" Uh, oh! I guess the hat and beard combo made him look old to a five year old! 

Today we were sitting in church when the little girl behind me starts talking to me. She informed me it was her birthday, and other important things and then asked, "what's his name?" I answered, "Landon." 
"No, his little brother's name."
"Oh, Will."
"Oooooh! I can never remember what his name is. I can always remember Landon because I hear it more because he gets in trouble all the time."
I just told her that was true. Haha. Thanks for the observation! John and I just sat there laughing. 

And just now Landon was feeding Mo a dog treat, they look like bacon. I couldn't figure out what he was calling them. So I asked...sometimes it's better to not know things. "I'm calling them diers because Milly died, so they are diers." 
Are you kidding me? Milly is, or rather was, the neighbors aged dog. She was put down this week and we inherited all her dog treats. John told Landon that she had died and he's apparently not forgotten. I told him that wasn't a nice thing to call them and not to. His answer? "But she did die!" Such compassion. 

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