Sunday, August 24, 2014

The things I'm glad I got back post baby

There's so many things I can do now that I missed while pregnant.  You know, all those little things that you slowly lose the ability to do and they magically return in one day.  Here's a few of those glorious things.
  1. Laying flat to sleep.  I can actually go to bed without being propped up on three pillows nearly upright.  
  2. Waking up only because a baby needs me, not because I have to pee, take a tums, drink milk, or sit upright.  I was up nearly every hour by the end just to use the bathroom.  Only getting up once or twice a night with the baby is so much better!
  3. No more heartburn.  I had such terrible heartburn, the kind that made you want to die.  During the day, or in the middle of the night.  I would be awoken in the night with it. It didn't matter what I ate. Just drinking water, or eating bread could cause me intense pain.  I'm so happy to have that gone!
  4. I can get up off the floor with ease.  No more rolling onto all fours to get up or asking for help.  
  5. No more wearing my husband's clothes.  Well, perhaps just because they are comfy I will.  But I won't have to wear his lounge pants because none of mine fit.  Or wear his scrub pants to work because not even my previous pregnancy pairs fit me.  I got made fun of pretty good for that one.
  6. Energy.  Having energy back is the best!  I was tired all the time and barely accomplished anything.  Having the energy to actually get up with the baby and then function during the day and feel alive is amazing.
  7. Bending over.  Not only could I not bend over just due to the giant belly in the way, but because it made me sick.  Bending caused my heartburn to flare up in a way that made me want to vomit. Due to this I didn't get much cleaned up unless I sat on the floor and scooted around to pick it up.  Then you can refer back to number 4 to see how that had to end.  It's a vicious cycle.
  8. Seeing my feet.  Hi there toes, I've missed you!
I'm sure there are more things, but that's all I can come up with right now.  I love being pregnant, it's one of my favorite things, but after 9 months I sure am ready to get back to my regular self.

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