Sunday, October 5, 2014

"I'm going to play in the World Cup!"

Landon has started his first soccer season with AYSO.  He has been excited for this since registration back in May. Making a kid wait until September to start is just torture!  He is convinced that he is going to play in the World Cup one day.  I'm wondering if all pro soccer players started out as distracted while playing as he is.  His goalie skills are pretty great, we just have to work on focus.  Watching a herd of 4 and 5 year old's chasing a ball around the field is pretty entertaining.  We laugh every game and cheer for all the kids, regardless of their team.  They are all out there having a great time.  Landon's first game was in the rain.  It was cold and wet, but they were still having fun.  Only a few minutes into his game the sole of his shoe came half off.  It was still attached from the toe to arch and he played on with it flopping along.  Hand me down shoes can be treacherous!  Here's pictures from his first game. I haven't taken any since then, but these are pretty much what it looks like every week.  Minus the rain of course.

 Before the game and the rain began

 Practicing dribbling and his goalie skills

 Check out number 6!

 Will wasn't bothered by the rain. He liked licking 
the rain off his face.

 If you yell anything at him like, "get it, Landon!"he stops and looks, therefore losing the opportunity.  Focus, it's a skill we will gain one day when he's older....I hope.

 Getting a piece of the action

 Coaching.  If you can't find him, look by the coach.

 Rosy cheeked, soggy, and full of curls after the game.
I love that face!

Let's go GREEN!

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