Thursday, May 30, 2013

I think I will, thank you

Tonight I handed Will a kiddie fork for the first time because he was hollering at me about wanting the one on the table.  Yes, I speak baby yell and point...sometimes.  He has gotten very good at pointing at what it is he wants and giving you a very frustrated holler until you do what it is he wants to you to.  So I am getting the hang of it pretty quick.  And tonight it was a fork.  Sure, why not.  He's one.  So I gave him a fork to use on his chicken.  At first he just chewed on the handle.  I showed him how to stab a piece of the chicken on his tray and he was ON it.  Just a few tries later and he had speared his own hunk o' meat.  He was so proud of himself that he cheesed the biggest cheesy grin ever and began to clap.  Sadly, this clapping caused him to knock his prize off his fork.  He didn't mange to do it again, but he sure did try and got very close several times.  Such a smart little dude.  (just had to brag a little)

And a wondrous accomplishment in my life.  I can wear my pre-pregnancy jeans again!!!  I accomplished this probably a week ago, and it's been great.  I could squeeze into them before, but they barely closed and I barely could breathe.  After Landon it was just a few months before I was able to get back into my pants and I was crushed as each month went by.  Baby number two has of course proved to be more difficult when it comes to squeezing back into my pants.  So I continued to wear jeans a little too big, held on with belts, and squeezing into jeans a little too tight at the expense of my waist, bladder, and self-confidence.  So here we are, at the blessed moment when you slide on your "skinny" jeans and they fit comfortably for the first time in just a little over a year.  Why hello old friends, I have missed you.  Welcome back to my life. Welcome, welcome, welcome.  Because we all know that your old jeans are you most comfortable jeans and your favorites, no matter how many other pairs you have.  I have all my "step up" and "step down" jeans from having kids, but I bought them to get through , not because I liked them a lot.  And really, I can't complain about it taking a year to get back into my pants.  I didn't actually do anything to make it happen sooner.  I said I would, and after one P90X workout that caused me to be unable to use the stairs properly for a week, I never did it again.  I wanted to work out, I wanted to get some abs back in my life.  I haven't seen those since college.  But if anyone knows anything about me they would know that I lack motivation when it comes to working out.  And they also know that I have ZERO athletic ability which makes me really not long to do things, oh, and add in the asthma.  I need someone to force me to workout, I need someone to make me accountable, a workout buddy.  So right now I thank my genes for my high metabolism and promise myself that I will work on these things one day.  For now, welcome back old pants.  And I will stop beating myself up over not working out....

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