Sunday, June 30, 2013

The light has been reached

So a good while back I wrote about my frustration with potty training and that maybe we were close.  Well, I'm proud to announce that the light at the end of the tunnel has been reached and we are way out into the daylight.  Hooray! 

People always say, "when they are ready it will just click."  I heard that so much during my months of frustration that I wanted to slug the next person who said that to me. It isn't helpful information!  I knew he'd get it one day, but I wanted that one day to be NOW.  And I wanted useful information.  And just like they said, and just like I knew, he just got it one day.  He's had it down for a good while now, I just haven't written about it.  He just suddenly was accident free for a week, and then 2, etc.  He was taking car trips wearing his big boys, going out to the store and the park in his big boys.  He told us when he had to go with enough time to find a bathroom.  We even conquered nap time being dry and transitioned to wearing underwear then too.  Now and again there was an accident during nap, but he knew that that wasn't a big deal and we were proud of him for trying and we'd try again tomorrow.  It was awesome!

In the midst of the joy I realized that we had to now tackle night time training.  He was still waking up with a full diaper in the morning, fully soaked.  I was dreading it because I didn't want to wake up during the night to get him up to use the bathroom.  Then WHAM one night he woke up by himself to use the bathroom!  So after that I started getting him up around 11, before I went to bed, and then he would get up in the morning at some point by himself.  It was amazing!  Now he goes to bed in a pull up, just in case, and I don't get him up at night.  He goes straight through to the morning on his own.  I am so proud of my little guy.  He has been dry every morning for months.  And just the other day I found him standing to pee.  When I asked him if Daddy had helped show him how he said "no"  he just did it himself.  My little guy is getting so big!  I'm so happy to be past this point and will enjoy the time before I have to start all over.

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